
Jeanine Escobar

8 Week Challenge

Transform your body | Change your Life

Countdown finished!

Starts 11th March

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SPACES are limited

✔ Personalized Workout Program

✔ Customized Meal Plan

✔Range of Diet Options

✔ Custom Macros & Tracking App

✔ Complete Shopping List

✔ Video Demonstrations for every Exercise

✔ Home and Gym Based Programs

✔ Exclusive Mobile App

✔ 24/7 Email Support

✔ Private Facebook Group

✔ Bi-Weekly Live Q&A

✔ Cancel Anytime

8 week challenge



* one time payment



Build the body of your dreams! 

Whether you prefer working out at home or at the gym, J’s Body Boot Camp is perfect for you! You will slowly see yourself shred down and build lean muscle and your confidence building up. 

Each workout program will be tailored to YOUR ideal physique. Your workouts will be fun and challenging to keep you motivated and to ensure you keep seeing results! Workouts are updated every 4 weeks

You will have full access to video demonstrations on all exercises to make your workout plan easy to follow. 


Each J’s Body Boot Camp nutrition program consists of custom calculated macros and is catered to your specific dietary needs and preferences. You won’t feel restricted and this will eliminate the chances of yoyo dieting or binge eating.

Each meal will have you looking forward to eating and you won’t even remember you’re on a diet. You won’t ever feel deprived or restricted.

I will teach you how to make good choices about nutrition while having things that aren’t the best for you in moderation and still reach your goals. You will be able to track and log your food intake right inside my custom app. No need for any additional tracking apps.

You won’t miss out on social events when you’re on J’s Body Boot Camp. To provide you with flexibility and balance, you have the option to switch one of your meals for a dining out meal. It’s simple and easy to switch. Best of all, we help you pick the restaurant options that will fit your daily macros! This means you are still on track, meeting your macros ALL while dining out and enjoying social events.

Depending on your progress, your meals will be altered to ensure you have variety and continue to see results

I used to charge $80 for stand alone meal plans, now you can get my whole program for only $69 per month. Meal plans are updated every 4 weeks.

dietary OPTIONS



All members of #bbcresults will have access to the members exclusive app so you can check your meal and workout program anywhere, anytime - making it easy for you to stay on track! 

You will also be able to track your progress, Log your Food and have access to all of my training videos all within the app.

Available on the App Store and Google Play. 


As a member of J's Body Boot Camp you will have my full support at all times. If you have any questions regarding your program, the members exclusive app or if you just need additional support, simply send me an email, anytime!


As a member of J’s Body Boot Camp, you will get access to the private VIP Facebook group where you can be apart of the amazing Body Boot Camp Community. 

In this community you can share your achievements and struggles with like minded individuals and know you will be supported and empowered. Read inspiring stories to keep you motivated and be reminded you are NOT alone on this journey. 

I also host bi-weekly live Q&As where you can ask any questions you may have or just listen in. 


To provide you with extra guidance, you will get a full list of recommended supplements and why you should take them.

This means you won’t be wasting your money on glorified supplements!

Please note that supplements are NOT required on your plan but if you would like to purchase them, this guide is to help you make the right choices! 


Hi, I’m Jeanine Escobar, 

I didn’t always have the confidence and positive mindset I have today. I was a chubby kid and always struggled with losing weight. 

When I had my first pregnancy at 20, I let things get out of control and gained 100lbs. I was at my heaviest, weighing in at 220lbs. I was able to lose the weight but always struggled with yo yo dieting. 

I spent hours doing cardio and had to choose between my love of food and my desire to lose weight. I was miserable and hated the way I felt, my relationship with food and my body was so negative with no balance.


It wasn't until 2013 that I discovered fitness. I decided that I wanted to make a change, I wanted to always look my best and feel my best. I also wanted to enjoy food and treats without the guilt afterwards. 

Through my own journey, I realized that it was possible to have it all. You can reach your weight loss goals, look your best, feel your best and still have balance. No more yo yo dieting!

I have lived a healthy, sustainable and balanced lifestyle since 2013. I never thought it was possible that at 46 years old I could be in the best shape of my life.  I am determined to help others reach the same balance and mental positivity I have today. 

I want more people to wake up feeling and looking their best without feeling restricted. 

I strive to work with you to find BALANCE and to live a sustainable and happy lifestyle. 

  • Slide title

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Are you constantly depriving yourself and sacrificing eating the food you enjoy?

Are you ready to start making progress to gain confidence? 

I have been 100lbs overweight, 25 lbs underweight and everything in between. I understand the struggles you are facing everyday and through my experience, I can help you gain confidence while having BALANCE - we focus on progression, not perfection. 

J’s 8 Week Challenge will positively transform you physically and mentally, regardless of your age, gender and experience. My programs will help you build habits and routines to make health and fitness a lifestyle.

J’s 8 Week Challenge will help you feel good while having the balance to eat cake on your birthday or enjoy having a margarita and some chips on holiday without feeling like you have completely blown it. 

No quick fixes or strict diets. I will teach you how to permanently change your life for the better! You will build a positive relationship with food, your body and working out. 

I've helped over 3,000 clients reach their goals, change their relationship with food and look and feel their best. I have also received dozens of 5 star reviews and repeat clients. 

If you’re ready to start seeing results and changing your lifestyle for the better - Sign up to J’s 8 Week Challenge today and join the #bbcresults family! If you want it, you can have it… Let’s go!

Client Transformation

quotesArtboard 1 copy 2
John Doe's Image
"Trust the process! Trust the process!"

Lucy C.

John Doe's Image
"Never have I felt this good. Both my physical and mental well being have been greatly increased since completing BBC6 and BBC7. You've made it so anyone willing to do the work, can have success and reach their goals."

Corey S.

John Doe's Image
"This program has finally taught me how to eat a balanced diet and lose weight. I'm so grateful for what Jeanine has taught me."

Jillian C.

John Doe's Image
"I loved the program! Learned a lot about macros and tracking. I never felt deprived. Excited to keep going!"

Abby H.

John Doe's Image
"Jeanine's program has helped me change the way I think about my lifestyle and what I CAN do, versus every other diet that focused on what I can't."

Lorin H.

John Doe's Image
"Your so right this is not a diet anymore to me it’s a way of life. You have taught me so much about food, nutrition, supplements and we can’t forget the great recipes that my family and I love! Ohhh and my one cheat meal Saturday and fasting Sunday! I could go on and on! Thank you for your support and all your posts and information they have been game changer! I have learned so much! Big hugs!"

Natalie Levy


See some common questions and answers below, or email me at

  • How do I receive my program?

    The program is available through my website on the members only section after you have purchased or via my app. Choose a plan, make payment and enter all your personal details and I will start putting together your personalized program! You will receive an email when your program is ready (2-3days)

  • I gained weight after menopause, is this program for me?

    100% yes. Does it feel like you have gained weight out of nowhere as you aged? You feel like you have done nothing different yet your weight is creeping up! My program will help you! No matter your age, menopause etc. I can help you look and feel your best.

  • Do I have to track Macros?

    No, I wanted to make this program as simple as possible for you. All you need to do is follow your meal plan. I also teach you how to make subtitutions in your meal plan on your own. You can incorproate the foods that you love, stay on track with your progress and not have to track any macros.

    If you are someone who would like to track macros that is an option as well. There is an in-app food diary where you can log your food as well. Whatever is easiest for you, my program is fully customized.

  • Do you provide me Macros?

    Yes, your meal plan will include your custom range of macros, If you choose to you can track your own macros instead of following the meal plan. Macros are updated every 4 weeks for you based on your progress. I provide training on tracking macros as well if this is something you want to learn.

    You can track your food intake right inside my customized app using the food diary function.

  • Can I do the workouts at home?

    Yes, I can tailor the plan for you to complete in your own home if you wish! All you need is a set of dumbbells. You would need to select home on the set up form. 

  • I am new to the gym, is this good for beginners?

    The workout is entirely tailored to you and your goals. So if you are new to the gym I’ve got your back with your very own personalized program. Choose weights that are light for your fitness levels and gradually work your way up.

  • How often do you update my meal plan and workout program?

    Every 4 weeks you will be prompted to update your  goals, preferences and progress. I will use this information to put together a new meal plan for you as well as a new set of workouts and updated macros.

  • I am not sure what diet style to choose can you help me?

    Absolutely, once you purchase if you have any questions at all when completing the intake form do not hesitate to email me. I can help to guide you.

  • What if I can't workout?

    I can still help you! I will create your program based on the activity you can do, If you are unable to exercise, you would select sedentary as your actiity level and I will be sure to incorporate that into my calculation for you. Weight loss results are 80% nutrition based, you can still have great results with little or no activity.

  • What if I don't need the meal plan and just want macros?

    You can purchase macros only for a one time charge of $49. This is a serprate stand alone service. Which you can purchase a macro assessment here. Click Here

  • Do you offer 1 on 1 coaching?

    Yes, at any time if you would like a 1on1 session you can book a coaching call. The call with be 1 hour via telephone or video chat (you choose) The cost is $99 per hour. At the time of booking you will receive an intake form to complete where you will indicate any specific needs or requests for this call. At this time only participants in my program are eligible to book a coaching call.

  • Is this a subscription based program?

    Yes it is, you can stay for as long or as little you need to. Some people join for a month to get their macros and a meal plan, others stay more long term for helpw ith their entire weight loss journey. You can cancel anytime. You can even cancel and return if you need to. There is no long term commitment. Although I can tell you that the average client stays a minimum of 3 mos (Which makes the 3 month program alot more cost effective)

  • How do I cancel?

    To cancel your subscription you must email myself  with at least 3 days notice so that you are not charged again.


    You will have access to your program thru the date of your current paid subscription.

Are You Ready?


Jeanine Escobar


Transform your body | Change your Life

  • Slide title

    Write your caption here


SPACEs are limited

✔ Personalized Workout Program

✔ Customized Meal Plan

✔Range of Diet Options

✔ Custom Macros & Tracking App

✔ Complete Shopping List

✔ Video Demonstrations for every Exercise

✔ Home and Gym Based Programs

✔ Exclusive Mobile App

✔ 24/7 Email Support

✔ Private Facebook Group

✔ Bi-Weekly Live Q&A

✔ Cancel Anytime

8 week challenge



* one time payment



Build the body of your dreams! 

Whether you prefer working out at home or at the gym, J’s Body Boot Camp is perfect for you! You will slowly see yourself shred down and build lean muscle and your confidence building up. 

Each workout program will be tailored to YOUR ideal physique. Your workouts will be fun and challenging to keep you motivated and to ensure you keep seeing results! Workouts are updated every 4 weeks

You will have full access to video demonstrations on all exercises to make your workout plan easy to follow. 


Each J’s Body Boot Camp nutrition program consists of custom calculated macros and is catered to your specific dietary needs and preferences. You won’t feel restricted and this will eliminate the chances of yoyo dieting or binge eating.

Each meal will have you looking forward to eating and you won’t even remember you’re on a diet. You won’t ever feel deprived or restricted.

I will teach you how to make good choices about nutrition while having things that aren’t the best for you in moderation and still reach your goals. You will be able to track and log your food intake right inside my custom app. No need for any additional tracking apps.

You won’t miss out on social events when you’re on J’s Body Boot Camp. To provide you with flexibility and balance, you have the option to switch one of your meals for a dining out meal. It’s simple and easy to switch. Best of all, we help you pick the restaurant options that will fit your daily macros! This means you are still on track, meeting your macros ALL while dining out and enjoying social events.

Depending on your progress, your meals will be altered to ensure you have variety and continue to see results

I used to charge $80 for stand alone meal plans, now you can get my whole program for only $69 per month. Meal plans are updated every 4 weeks.

dietary OPTIONS



All members of #bbcresults will have access to the members exclusive app so you can check your meal and workout program anywhere, anytime - making it easy for you to stay on track! 

You will also be able to track your progress, Log your Food and have access to all of my training videos all within the app.

Available on the App Store and Google Play. 


As a member of J's Body Boot Camp you will have my full support at all times. If you have any questions regarding your program, the members exclusive app or if you just need additional support, simply send me an email, anytime!


As a member of J’s Body Boot Camp, you will get access to the private VIP Facebook group where you can be apart of the amazing Body Boot Camp Community. 

In this community you can share your achievements and struggles with like minded individuals and know you will be supported and empowered. Read inspiring stories to keep you motivated and be reminded you are NOT alone on this journey. 

I also host bi-weekly live Q&As where you can ask any questions you may have or just listen in. 


To provide you with extra guidance, you will get a full list of recommended supplements and why you should take them.

This means you won’t be wasting your money on glorified supplements!

Please note that supplements are NOT required on your plan but if you would like to purchase them, this guide is to help you make the right choices! 


Hi, I’m Jeanine Escobar, 

I didn’t always have the confidence and positive mindset I have today. I was a chubby kid and always struggled with losing weight. 

When I had my first pregnancy at 20, I let things get out of control and gained 100lbs. I was at my heaviest, weighing in at 220lbs. I was able to lose the weight but always struggled with yo yo dieting. 

I spent hours doing cardio and had to choose between my love of food and my desire to lose weight. I was miserable and hated the way I felt, my relationship with food and my body was so negative with no balance.


It wasn't until 2013 that I discovered fitness. I decided that I wanted to make a change, I wanted to always look my best and feel my best. I also wanted to enjoy food and treats without the guilt afterwards. 

Through my own journey, I realized that it was possible to have it all. You can reach your weight loss goals, look your best, feel your best and still have balance. No more yo yo dieting!

I have lived a healthy, sustainable and balanced lifestyle since 2013. I never thought it was possible that at 46 years old I could be in the best shape of my life.  I am determined to help others reach the same balance and mental positivity I have today. 

I want more people to wake up feeling and looking their best without feeling restricted. 

I strive to work with you to find BALANCE and to live a sustainable and happy lifestyle. 

  • Slide title

    Write your caption here


Are you constantly depriving yourself and sacrificing eating the food you enjoy?

Are you ready to start making progress to gain confidence? 

I have been 100lbs overweight, 25 lbs underweight and everything in between. I understand the struggles you are facing everyday and through my experience, I can help you gain confidence while having BALANCE - we focus on progression, not perfection. 

J’s 8 Week Challenge will positively transform you physically and mentally, regardless of your age, gender and experience. My programs will help you build habits and routines to make health and fitness a lifestyle.

J's. 8 Week Challenge will help you feel good while having the balance to eat cake on your birthday or enjoy having a margarita and some chips on holiday without feeling like you have completely blown it. 

No quick fixes or strict diets. I will teach you how to permanently change your life for the better! You will build a positive relationship with food, your body and working out. 

I've helped over 3,000 clients reach their goals, change their relationship with food and look and feel their best. I have also received dozens of 5 star reviews and repeat clients. 

If you’re ready to start seeing results and changing your lifestyle for the better - Sign up to J’s 8 Week Challenge today and join the #bbcresults family! If you want it, you can have it… Let’s go!

Client Transformation

quotesArtboard 1 copy 2
John Doe's Image
"Trust the process! Trust the process!"

Lucy C.

John Doe's Image
"Never have I felt this good. Both my physical and mental well being have been greatly increased since completing BBC6 and BBC7. You've made it so anyone willing to do the work, can have success and reach their goals."

Corey S.

John Doe's Image
"This program has finally taught me how to eat a balanced diet and lose weight. I'm so grateful for what Jeanine has taught me."

Jillian C.

John Doe's Image
"I loved the program! Learned a lot about macros and tracking. I never felt deprived. Excited to keep going!"

Abby H.

John Doe's Image
"Jeanine's program has helped me change the way I think about my lifestyle and what I CAN do, versus every other diet that focused on what I can't."

Lorin H.

John Doe's Image
"Your so right this is not a diet anymore to me it’s a way of life. You have taught me so much about food, nutrition, supplements and we can’t forget the great recipes that my family and I love! Ohhh and my one cheat meal Saturday and fasting Sunday! I could go on and on! Thank you for your support and all your posts and information they have been game changer! I have learned so much! Big hugs!"

Natalie Levy


See some common questions and answers below, or email me at

  • How do I receive my program?

    The program is available through my website on the members only section after you have purchased or via my app. Choose a plan, make payment and enter all your personal details and I will start putting together your personalized program! You will receive an email when your program is ready (2-3days)

  • I gained weight after menopause, is this program for me?

    100% yes. Does it feel like you have gained weight out of nowhere as you aged? You feel like you have done nothing different yet your weight is creeping up! My program will help you! No matter your age, menopause etc. I can help you look and feel your best.

  • Do I have to track Macros?

    No, I wanted to make this program as simple as possible for you. All you need to do is follow your meal plan. I also teach you how to make subtitutions in your meal plan on your own. You can incorproate the foods that you love, stay on track with your progress and not have to track any macros.

    If you are someone who would like to track macros that is an option as well. There is an in-app food diary where you can log your food as well. Whatever is easiest for you, my program is fully customized.

  • Do you provide me Macros?

    Yes, your meal plan will include your custom range of macros, If you choose to you can track your own macros instead of following the meal plan. Macros are updated every 4 weeks for you based on your progress. I provide training on tracking macros as well if this is something you want to learn.

    You can track your food intake right inside my customized app using the food diary function.

  • Can I do the workouts at home?

    Yes, I can tailor the plan for you to complete in your own home if you wish! All you need is a set of dumbbells. You would need to select home on the set up form. 

  • I am new to the gym, is this good for beginners?

    The workout is entirely tailored to you and your goals. So if you are new to the gym I’ve got your back with your very own personalized program. Choose weights that are light for your fitness levels and gradually work your way up.

  • How often do you update my meal plan and workout program?

    Every 4 weeks you will be prompted to update your  goals, preferences and progress. I will use this information to put together a new meal plan for you as well as a new set of workouts and updated macros.

  • I am not sure what diet style to choose can you help me?

    Absolutely, once you purchase if you have any questions at all when completing the intake form do not hesitate to email me. I can help to guide you.

  • What if I can't workout?

    I can still help you! I will create your program based on the activity you can do, If you are unable to exercise, you would select sedentary as your actiity level and I will be sure to incorporate that into my calculation for you. Weight loss results are 80% nutrition based, you can still have great results with little or no activity.

  • What if I don't need the meal plan and just want macros?

    You can purchase macros only for a one time charge of $49. This is a serprate stand alone service. Which you can purchase a macro assessment here. Click Here

  • Do you offer 1 on 1 coaching?

    Yes, at any time if you would like a 1on1 session you can book a coaching call. The call with be 1 hour via telephone or video chat (you choose) The cost is $99 per hour. At the time of booking you will receive an intake form to complete where you will indicate any specific needs or requests for this call. At this time only participants in my program are eligible to book a coaching call.

  • Is this a subscription based program?

    Yes it is, you can stay for as long or as little you need to. Some people join for a month to get their macros and a meal plan, others stay more long term for helpw ith their entire weight loss journey. You can cancel anytime. You can even cancel and return if you need to. There is no long term commitment. Although I can tell you that the average client stays a minimum of 3 mos (Which makes the 3 month program alot more cost effective)

  • How do I cancel?

    To cancel your subscription you must email myself  with at least 3 days notice so that you are not charged again.


    You will have access to your program thru the date of your current paid subscription.

Are You Ready?

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